Active White Glutathione Cream - Safe and Trusted with Our Security Seal

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Sale priceRs. 1,750.00 Regular priceRs. 2,499.00


Experience a brighter, more radiant complexion with Active White Glutathione Cream. Our powerful formula is enriched with potent glutathione and other skin-nourishing ingredients to effectively reduce dark spots and hyperpigmentation, leaving you with a smoother, more even-toned skin. Shop now and discover the ultimate solution for safe and effective skin whitening with Active White Glutathione Cream.


Changes will occur within 7 days of application. Depending on the user, maximum he may take 2 weeks. In rare cases, it may last from a few weeks to a month. Change lasts a long time. Results may vary depending on skin and body type.

Ā (30 Grams)

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